
Friday, April 29, 2011


Berfikiran abstrak. Sukakan benda yang realiti dan abstrak. Inteligent, bijak dan genius. Berpersonaliti yg  mudah berubah. Mudah menawan org lain. Agak pendiam, pemalu dan rendah diri. Jujur dan setia pd segalanya. Keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat. Tidak suka dikongkong, mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong. Suka kegiatan yg lasak. Emosinya mudah terluka dan sgt sensitif. Mudah mempamirkan marahnya. Tidak suka benda yg remeh-temeh. Suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya. Sangat berani dan suka memberontak. Bercita-cita tinggi dan suke berangan-angan dan ada harapan utk merealisasikan impiannya. Pemerhatian yg tajam. Suka hiburan dan sukan. Suka benda yg bersifat seni. Sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran. Berkecenderungan pd benda yg tahyul. Amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros. belajar untuk mempamerkan emosi. 

its me.....weeeeee.....
geli mak nok....hahahaha..

matluthfi, anwarhadi & mariaelene

kadang2 kagum tgk orang wat video kat youtube....
tp kadang2 ade yg annoying....
so far, yg ok aku dh tgk matluthfi, anwarhadi n maria elene ok ar.....
bout matluthfi sempoi....
cute bdknye..haha...muke selambe..hehe...
video paling fav "mercun bola bukan bola"...
blh wat iklan bola la bg aku..hehehe...
aku asik ketawe je tgk video ni...

anwarhadi plak syok2 gak....
bnyk btl mase die nak wat semue 2...ikut gak la blog die..hehe
muke die ade skit mcm ashton kutcher...lalalala...
da best video yg aku tgk die ckp psl ana rafali...
lu sempoi bro....hehehe

the last in my list maria elene....huhuhuhu...
shes crazy ok....die wat je ape je die nak wat....
n ape yg die wat i really enjoy it....

hope lps ni lg syok la video2 dieorg ni...
yg pntg kene kasi org ketawe...
baru la idup happy...
x pasal2.....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


aku selalu je pkr psl kau...
tgk kau bhgie ngan idup kau wat aku terase ati...
macam x adil rsnye..
slame ni kau lyn aku mcm mane skali pun,
kau anggap or wat aku mcm mane skali pun aku biar kan je..
bile kau perlukan aku, ye aku ade tuk kau...
x kesah la utk seketike, ataupun bp lame yg kau amik tuk b'same ngan aku...
aku sanggupkan jgk...
kau b'cerite aku jd pendengar yg baik tuk kau...
wlupun kadang2 cite2 kau m'bunuh aku dari dlm...
kau kutuk2 aku, aku gelakkan je..
janji kau hapy, kau ketawe...
kau nak tgk cite aku lynkan je...
walaupun aku ngantok sebenarnye....
ntah mcm2 lg la...
aku wat ape je tuk kau...
bile kau tny ape yg aku rs kat kau aku hny nafikannye....
sbbnye xnak kau lari lg dr aku...
aku sekse diri aku kerane aku pendam sesuatu....
hanye aku yg tau ape yg aku pendam selame ni...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Enjoy Being Alone

jgn merasekan bile kite tiade boyfren,girlfren ataupun family idup kte akan sunyi...kite sebenarnye blh hdp dgn pnh kegembiraan walaupun bersendiri...ade bnyk care untuk menghindarkan diri kite dari rase kesunyian..mmg rase tdk lengkap hdp ini klu tdk mempunyai pasangan..Keep in mind that humans are indeed social animals,but that doesn't mean that we can't be perfectly happy outside of society too.mari kite same2 kongsi tips utk m'hindarkan rase diri kite ni sunyi bile bersendiri....aku dh experience bende ni...ade tips2 yg aku dh ikut...so far ok la...aku hapy je....meh kite kongsi same2.....

STEP 1 = Be happy
Live a life of optimism.Happiness comes from within regardless of your situation,so don’t use any excuses, such as being alone.

STEP 2 = Do everything you would normally do with a partner or friend
Many times it isn't the partner or friend you are missing, but the activities and hobbies you shared. Take yourself out for a date. For example, if you would have gone out to dinner or to a movie on a date, then take yourself out to a movie or to a nice restaurant. Don't hold yourself back.

STEP 3 = Learn something new
Learning is the most important aspect of living alone. It helps to keep the boogeyman away, and also gives you something to talk about when you do have to actually enter society.

STEP 4 = Get a pet
Humans need affection, without it they become bitter and hate the world around them. Pets are always a source of affection and will give loads of it endlessly.

STEP 5 = Read
Now may be the time to catch up on some of your reading. Not only is it fun and enjoyable, but it's also self-education and a way to round yourself as a person.

STEP 6 = Join an on-line community
Don't limit your on-line activities to just games. Join forums or chat rooms to meet new people also. Take whatever you're interested in and find other people like you.

STEP 7 = Think
Be introspective. Contemplate or ponder things.Above all, contemplation is one of the most important self-building things you can do. Think about what makes you you. What do you believe in? Why? Are there any things that don't seem right to you? What do you believe at face value (or accept as a matter of faith)?

STEP 8 = Exercise
Be consistent. Exercise takes willpower and diligence. Make a schedule and stick to it. Keep it easy at first and you will discover your limits. Or, join a gym and create new friends there.

STEP 9 = Listen to lots of music
If you are a music fan then you can enjoy being alone by listening to music you enjoy or music that brings back memories of certain events.

STEP 10 = Go outside
It's a big world out there, and you're only seeing a small fraction of it. Forget the people, just enjoy what life has to offer. Once you do that, then people will want to know and be with you. Frankly, you won't have a choice but to have friends!

By the way, step2 kat ats ade yg dah aku ikut....effective la...i hapy wif my life now...actually the important things that will make we happy is frens...dieorg yg slalu ade ngan kite...a good fren akan ade ngan kite bile kite ssh atau pun sng...a good fren gak akan time kite seadanye diri kite skrg...a good fren akan sentiase support kite,back up kite walau ape care skali pn...jgn pikir bl kite xde bf,gf or family kite akan kesunyian....kwn sentiase ade sekeliling kite..melainkan klu kwn2 pulaukan kite..hahaha...'sentap mak nak'...hehe...renung-renungkan....selamat beramal...

Sunday, April 10, 2011


tema dinner ni 60's.....tp aku x ikut pun tema...mls nak melayan...gi dinner pun nak snap2, hv fun n paling pntg mkn....haaha..seronok skrg ngan dulu dh x same la...ade suatu kejadian p'nah jd bfr ni buat our frenship x mcm dl....tp x pe la...masing2 ade kwn masing2..yg pntg we all still fren wlupun x seakrab dl...dinner ni semue lecture syok giler nak menyanyi.....ma supervisor pn norlizah pun semangat menyanyi lagu dl2...sporting abs....x dpt dgr mr.kee je nyanyi...haha...klu x mcm mne la 2...sentap ati mak nak..mknn sgt x memuaskan...geram btl..dlm ms nak tunggu mkn 2 sempat lg kami main game..bosan tunggu lame sgt..siap fight2 lg...yg pntg aku mng...hahaha..maybe this is our last dinner 2gether as a degree sr student...harap semuenye success lps2 ni....amin....